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Saturday, February 17, 2007
The past week has been pretty busy for me. Last weekend I and about eight other guys from work went snowboarding at Snow Summit, which is about an hour's drive away. One of the guy's girlfriend's family has a "cabin" (bit of a misnomer... it looks kind of like a cabin on the outside, but inside it has drywall and everything like a regular house, just small), so we were able to stay there very economically. This was my first time snowboarding (as was also the case for three of the other guys, so we were really quite the rookie bunch!), but it was a lot of fun, so I intend for it not to be my last! Unfortunately, the first day, whether it was due to the altitude or my lack of sleep the previous night or what I'm not sure, I came down with a pretty bad headache, and was only able to make a couple runs. So the second day I took preemptive ibuprofen, and was fine all day. I fell a lot, but with the ibuprofen the second day it didn't hurt, so I could get right back up and keep going. It was hard at first, but by the end I was getting pretty decent (for a beginner). The first day was about perfect, weather-wise. It was sunny, and probably 40°. The second day started off rainy (turning to snow about half-way up the mountain), but dried up in the afternoon. Unfortunately, my camera batteries gave out going up the lift the first time, so I only got a couple pictures, but some of the other guys took some, so I can probably get some of those for your enjoyment.
Adrian, Fernando, and Yours Truly
Me and Hien (whose girlfriend's family's cabin we stayed in)
It was also pretty busy on the job, doing major work for a couple of the different projects I'm on. But I'd rather have a demanding workload than not enough, which gets rather boring. I also had my first annual review, which went quite well. :)