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Sunday, September 17, 2006
We had some quite hot weather (compared with what I'm used to, anyway) here at the end of August and early September (high over 105°), but now it seems to be cooling off. In fact, on Thursday and Friday it was cloudy, and I'm not sure it broke 75°. I guess that's what winter is like here! I'll certainly miss the trees changing color in the fall, though, if not the below-zero weather of the Midwest winter.And speaking of winter, I have finished off one more poem, called The Snowflake. I had started that one my first or second winter in Michigan... But that empties out the pipeline, so there won't be any more for awhile. I'll probably focus on my game and my fiction stories, now.
Saturday, September 9, 2006
My new apartment here is pretty nice. Unfortunately, there are little artificial streams and ponds, so there are a couple flocks of ducks around. I had enough of Canadian geese when I was living in Michigan, but at least these aren't nearly as big. Still, their quacking can get annoying. Also, it seems some past resident had the chain connecting the toilet flapper to the handle break, so they replaced it with a piece of thread. Which, of course, rotted through shortly after I moved in. I just replaced it this morning. Here are some pictures of the interior (of my apartment, not the toilet):